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Is queer culture bigger than ever?

by Maya Khamala April 24, 2018 1 Comment

Innocent onlookers and passersby may at times wonder to themselves if the number of queer and LGBT people has in fact grown exponentially in the last couple of decades, and more with each passing year. Even I have a touch of innocence to me. But answers don’t come in black or white—rather, they span the entire spectrum of the rainbow, and then some. While there’s no doubt in my mind that the visibility of LGBTQ people and therefore communities has grown due to increasing acceptance, and while I am certain that people feel more comfortable identifying as queer or gay or trans now than they once did, I do not believe that the number of people who identify that way internally has really changed all that much. Yes, the vocabulary has changed, and yes, social media has happened to all of us. But discussion and magnification do not change the core of real, lived queerdom, do they?

The digits are indeed higher

Figures drawn from the largest representative sample of LGBT Americans collected in the US show that the number of American adults who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender increased from 3.5% in 2012to 4.1% in 2016. These numbers indicate that over 10 million adults now identify as LGBT in the US—about 1.75 million more than in 2012.

2015 report by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) on the sexual attitudes of millennials found “seven percent of millennials identify either as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender.”The last major meta-analysis of the size of the LGBT population in the US, produced by the Williams Institute in 2011, estimated that 3.5% of adults identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, and that 0.3% identified as transgender.

Labels offer more pride and less shame than they once did

The fact that these numbers all point to an increase is what it is: an encouraging sign that people’s reluctance to come on out and self-report may be going the way of the dodo. As social acceptance of LGBT people rises, being labeled “gay” is not a big deal as it once was. While I’m in no way discounting the fresh hell many LGBTQ people undoubtedly suffer out in the world or at home with their families, we also live in an age where OKCupid offers 12 sexual orientation options and more than 20 gender ones.

In Canada, trans people’s right to use the name and gender pronouns they choose is protected by law–a hard-fought victory won by generations of queer and trans activists, artists, and scholars who continue to fight to ensure these legals rights are reflected in people’s behaviour. No easy task.

Strategic stats

Early gay activists claimed that 1 out of every 10 people strayed from the straight and narrow. But as Gary J. Gates of the Williams Institute notes in a Washington Post op-ed, this 1-in-10 statistic, which continues to circulate informally today, was actually more strategic than it was factual. Interestingly, however, what the new data suggests is that more older Americans may be lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender than previous estimates led people to believe—indeed, the 1-in-10 stat may have in fact been closer to correct than critics thought. It seems highly unlikely, then, that the overall proportion of LGBT people has changed much over the last few generations. According to a recent study in the Journal of Sex Research that analyzed data from 1991 to 2010, the prevalence of reported same-sex sexual behavior has fluctuated a lot over the years, yet “the percentage of people reporting a pattern of predominantly same-gender sexual behavior has neither increased nor decreased over time.”

From the stats to the streets

L, G, B, T, and Q, and all the identities outside of these and between these are not the same, and cannot be conflated, but stats are as of yet limited—as is the very notion of a statistic to begin with. If anything is clear, however, it’s that the existence of alternate genders, sexual orientations, and lifestyles are slowly but surely taking up the space they should. Still, outside the little circles of freedom that queer and trans communities have carved out, some level of repression is still required to stay safe and/or accepted in most places. Which is precisely why growing visibility—both in the stats and in the streets—continues to be integral to LGBTQ lives.

soeursoeur - cafe velour photoshoot 2018 - queer culture photophoto: soeursoeur , location: Cafe velour

Maya Khamala
Maya Khamala


I’m a Montreal-based freelance writer: journalist, poet, storyteller, erotica-writer, blogger, copywriter, and lover of clear communication. Words are my favourite thing in the universe. Nothing gets me hotter than the right choice of words. Nothing. I did my BA and MA in Creative Writing and English Lit at Concordia University. I was a full-time community organizer at Montreal's Centre for Gender Advocacy for 6 years, and did a lot of popular education and solidarity work around violence against Native communities, reproductive and sexual health, sexual assault awareness, intersections of race and gender, and even co-founded a Men and Feminism collective while there. What else? I’m a lover of men and give a lot of thought to what makes one (a man). Need writing or editing services? Contact me at, or find out more at

1 Response


April 30, 2018

This is well written! Love the linked citations! Interesting to know the ratio of people who identify as queer to hetero.

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Dear Valued Customers,

It is with a mix of emotions that we write this letter today. Since 2015, we've embarked on an incredible journey with you, and it's been an honor to serve as your destination for dainty panties and intimate apparel for people of all genders. Today, we must announce the difficult decision to close our beloved store, Wicked Mmm.

As much as we cherished this journey, we have come to a point where we must say goodbye. Our other project, TensionMTL, now demands more of our time and attention, and the resources required to sustain both endeavors have become unsustainable. While it was a labor of love and we took great pride in the craftsmanship that went into every piece we created, it also came with the stress and time commitments required to keep Wicked Mmm open. We do not want that love to turn sour, and we believe this is the right decision for us at this time.

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you who supported us along the way. Your trust, your feedback, and your loyalty have been invaluable. We hope that you will continue to embrace your unique selves, explore your desires, and find the confidence to be who you are, wherever life takes you.

While Wicked Mmm may be closing its doors, the spirit of inclusivity, self-expression, and empowerment that it embodied lives on in all of you. Thank you for being a part of our journey and for allowing us to be a part of yours.

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With love and gratitude,

Masha & Will
Founders of Wicked Mmm